About Us
Our vision when starting Harcourts Property Centre was to create a real estate agency that presented world-class service for the greater Brisbane region. And today, that vision is not only becoming a reality, but has now extended from Brisbane out to the greater South Eastern Reaches of our State.
We truly believe Harcourts Property Centre is home to the best people in the industry, who are all committed to providing the very best real estate experience to our clients. I invite you to experience the ‘Property Centre’ difference – as we are certain this will start your journey as our ‘client for life’.
From our story, to our values, knowledge, technology, marketing and partners – this is not a cookie cutter approach to real estate. We are not one size fits all. Ultimately we are client focused, forward thinking, technology leading, property professionals.
First and foremost our values incorporate;
Our People
We truly believe we have the best agents, property managers and administrators in the business.
Our Clients
From the technology resources we invest in, to the constant training we undertake to assist and improve each of our team members – our biggest focus is that every decision made must be made with our clients’ best interest in mind.
Forward Thinking/One Step Ahead
Rather than being passive in the technology space, the Harcourts Property Centre team believe in adopting technology quickly that will enhance our people’s business and the service provided to our clients. From the leadership team down, staff are encouraged to be on the look out for ways to improve our service offering by keeping an eye out and our ears to the ground for resources that will enhance the businesses service, enhance our clients experience, and enhance the speed at which we can operate as a business.
Doing the Right thing and being courageous
Ultimately this is the hallmark of being the utmost professional. Regardless of whether the outcome is right for us as a business, we are crystal clear that the outcome must be the right thing to do by our client. This also parallels with being courageous – once employed we must continue to be professional, and fight for our clients best (and desired) outcome regardless of the numerous hurdles that get thrown in our path.
“We are people focused, client driven, tech leading, property professionals!”
Leadership team
79 years of experience, 10,000 auctions conducted, over 15,000 transactions completed and involvement in the sale and management of over 7.5 billion dollars worth of residential real estate across Australia and New Zealand.
Sales team
234 years of experience, over 1,000 auctions marketed, 4,880 properties transacted and 2.4 billion dollars worth of Brisbane real estate sold.
PM team
112 years of experience, currently over 800 properties under management, 67,200 routine inspections conducted, over 50,400 entry and exit inspections and 16,800 properties leased (and too many kilometres travelled to count!).
Admin team
66 years of experience, over 13,200 authorities to sell prepared, over 198,000 queries answered and all done with a smile.